Dorris Wedding wedding collections for fat plus size brides


Benefits of FISH OIL

1. Protect yourself from air pollution
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements offer
protection against the adverse cardiac and lipid effects
associated with air pollution exposure, which makes them a
must especially if you live in the city.

2. Reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis
If you have joint pain of any kind, you can cut
the inflammatory process in half by taking fish oil daily.

3. Reduce the signs of aging
Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco
studied more than 600 patients and found that the higher the
blood levels of fish-derived omega-3 acids in patients with
coronary heart disease, the longer the telomeres.
Hence, adding fish like salmon to your diet at least
twice a week is a great way to boost your omega-3 intake.

4. Improve fat burning
The insulin-sensitizing ability of DHA, the anti-
inflammatory benefits of EPA, and the fat burning benefits of
both make choosing a supplement containing significant
amounts of each a good idea.

5. Boost brain power and memory
A diet lacking in omega-3 fatty acids, may
cause your brain to age faster and lose some of its memory
and thinking abilities. Add it to your daily supplement list to
keep your brain healthy through the years.

6. Preserve lean muscle
Remember, muscle is metabolically active and
burns calories even while you sleep. Adding in fish oil will
help preserve muscle, even while dieting.

7. Improve bone health
Omega-3s appear to be a vital constituent of healthy modelling bone and
maintaining bone mineral density. In addition to the above
supplements, be sure to add in a regular strength training
routine to prevent osteoporosis.

Three capsules (or one teaspoon) of a
high quality fish oil with meals twice daily for reduced
inflammation, weight loss, healthy skin and added
benefits is highly recommended by health care practitioners. For better result and convenience, CHOLEDUZ Omega Supreme is also recommended by doctors of AIM Global. Dorris Wedding wedding collections for fat plus size brides

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Best gift for us, for healthy brain and body.