spaghetti evening gowns

Have you ever just wished you had more energy?

As mothers and/or wives we have a lot on our plates. We have dinner to cook, dishes/laundry to do, the house to straighten up, bath time, bedtime. Our list is never ending.

For the last 3 years I have thought there was something wrong with me physically. I literally felt like someone had drained ALL my energy out! I even went to the doctor and had my thyroid and hormone levels drawn. I will be honest, I was HOPING there would be so that there would be a quick fix to the problem!

All my labs were normal! There would be no quick fix! I couldn't believe it. Why then was I feeling like this?

I was not happy with the person I saw staring back at me in the mirror. I didn't even recognize her anymore. I lost my own identity when I became a mom. Somehow I forgot that I was important. My world revolved around my child. I had LET MYSELF GO!

I had such little energy that I never felt like doing my makeup and rarely my hair. I didn't feel like going places because that would require me to fix up and that made me face the fact that I had gained so much weight and I didn't feel pretty even when I did dress up. I was not happy with the me I had let myself become.

I had tried so many diets including Keto and Paleo. They didnt work because it was too strict for me to maintain it. I would lose a little then as soon as I stopped dieting I would gain it all back because I CRAVED carbs! I even went to get the magic pill Phentermine! I was a crazy emotional wreck on that...just ask my husband! I was irritable and unhappy. So I stopped taking it.

I refused to believe that the way I was eating and my sedentary lifestyle could be the reason I felt so bad! I wanted a quick fix and I knew changing those things wouldn't be quick. I didn't want to have to work at it.

So I kept eating what I wanted (fast food almost every day) and I kept sitting on my butt. My house stayed a mess, I slept a lot of the day on my days off. I will be honest I think sleeping was my escape from reality.

I often fantasized about how nice it would be to just come straight home from work and go to bed. I LOVE my family so much but the thought of working all day then coming home to cook, straighten the house, give Everett a bath and get him in bed just seemed exhausting.

I have these 2 friends that had been posting Facebook updates for about a year about how much better they felt, how much happier they were and I literally watched them shrink down in size. They always inspired me but I was full of excuses.

After seeing their post OVER and OVER and literally watching them not just change physically but they were happier! I could see it in every post. I started thinking I want to know a little more about this but I don't really want to ask them because then they will try to talk me into doing it! (How silly now...looking back).

Then we went on vacation in December and my mom had just completed a fitness challenge and rocked it! She had amazing results! She inspired me! After seeing pictures of myself in photos from vacation and thinking...Oh my! I've got to do something!

I came home and started researching this whole beachbody/21 day fix thing (That way I wouldn't have to ask the girls). After reading all about it I thought that isn't too bad...I think I can do that! So I sent a find out how much it cost...because y'all I'm cheap!

After finding out that I could totally afford this and that if I sucked it up and quit I could get my money back I decided to give it a try! I COULD NOT BE MORE HAPPY I SAID YES THAT DAY!

I started right before the holidays! What on Earth was I thinking? I will tell you. I know my personality. If I didn't decide to start that day...I would still be right where I was, unhappy and exhausted.

I promised myself I wouldn't weigh in until the 21 day challenge was over. I was a little down because I just knew I had not lost any weight. But I felt so much better and had this new found energy that I continued on. When I weighed in I was SHOCKED! In just 21 days I had lost 10lbs!

In those 21 days and especially after posting about my results so many people reached out to me telling me how much I have inspired them that it made me feel good. I was feeling great and so I wanted everyone else to feel how awesome I was feeling!

I started encouraging some friends and my mom on their journey because I wanted them to keep going too! And in return they were holding me accountable! That is when I decided you know what...I love this! I love feeling like I am helping others do better...maybe I could do what my friends Tabatha Bogue and Lisa Marie Rice are doing! And a bonus for me... it would hold me accountable because people would know I am coach. I would have to keep at it.

So here I am! That is why I became a beachbody coach. To inspire others that are where I was and to keep me accountable so that I won't stop. I can't stop because I am feeling too good and Everett deserves a healthy and happy mommy and Steven deserves a happy wife that actually believes it when he says "you are beautiful". I am still growing on my journey...and I have a LONG way to go but I don't want to stop! spaghetti evening gowns

Please if you are feeling like I energy, less confident, unhappy with you or just like you have lost your identity...dont be like I was and wait a year to message to ask about how that can change. Send me a message.

I can work with a budget. YOU are worth it! Both you and your kid(s) deserve this! Let's get you on the road to a healthier...HAPPIER you! I want to be the person to support, push, encourage and motivate you! Let's go on this journey together!!! I need the support as well! ?