To find a Rabbi, visit one of these sites, and conduct a search.
Orthodox Union Synagogue Network
This search engine does not find all synagogues in an area; it has only a small percentage. However, some of them seem to be synagogues you might not find on most other lists.
A vast list of synaogues all over the world. This list looks like it’s almost a complete list.
This is actually an online magazine of some sort run by a restaurant, but one of its many features is lists of synagogues around the world.
For Chabad Lubavitch Centers around the world. Or try this link, for an alternate search engine at the same website.
Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
Run by the Rabbinical Council of America. Not an extensive site, but it has some interesting and useful information.
I strongly recommend joining the Orthodox Conversion to Judaism Yahoo Group and get involved with people at all stages of conversion, from considering it to comitted long-time converts.
A conversion site dedicated to women.
If you are a practicing Noahide, here is a list of Rabbis that you may find of help: Ask Noah